NIAS aims to be a forum of research, to influence public policy and to help develop African culture and industry. NIAS aims to use its own research methods, with guidance from our Panel of Experts, to provide detailed analytical papers and researches into some of the largest issues facing Africa now.
helps to bring about substantive change through meetings, briefings and
conferences on our areas of research. We have access to high quality conference
centres at Hogan Lovells, in which we aim to provide regular panels and
conferences with the help of our Panel of Experts.
Meetings and seminars
Our consultants and experts are available to deliver presentations at key stakeholder meetings and in support of public and media launch levels. We are regularly asked to deliver strategy and planning workshops to organisation boards in round table discussions. Hourly rates are available on request.
Our experts frequently attend meetings and seminars with our clients for a variety of reasons to conduct the following:
- Make public policy case proposals to government officials
- Present the key highlights of reports persuasively at public events
- Add weight to discussion and debates involving industry commentators
- Facilitate a brainstorming session with NIAS Experts
- Articulate the political/economic arguments to help company boards make key strategic decisions
- Enhance credibility by enabling clients to take advantage of the NIAS reputation
Workshops and training
NIAS also provides short training workshops, usually no longer than three days, which are also available for remote participants on an online basis.
Our workshops and briefings will show you how to market yourself to potential employers that goes beyond just formulating a CV. Our professionals will also help you develop the job search skills that are needed for a successful career transition.
After completing our workshops, you will have an opportunity to discuss your individual plans with a consultant and help you go throughout the resettlement process.
‘Conflict-reducing’ initiative
One of the areas of research that is of interest to NIAS is investigating the definition of ‘Conflict-free’ regarding natural resources in the Democratic Republic of Congo. In 2019 we led an event focusing on this topic “Redefining ‘conflict-free’ behind natural resources in the DR Congo” led by our CEO and knowledgeable research assistants, attended by and supported by academics with expertise in the field. The initiative focuses on redefining the term ‘Conflict-free’—often used by big tech corporations–to ‘Conflict-reducing’, meaning that the companies that are using the natural resources, are not only buying from ethically-approved Natural Resource Quarries, but actively helping to reduce the conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo. If this model is successful, the title of ‘conflict-reducing’ could be applied to industries globally.