Individual Membership £19/yearly

Individual membership at NIAS provides opportunities to interact with academics and influential individuals at high-profile members events, as well as the access to exclusive Institute’s archives and resources. Members will also be invited to attend our events which can host up to 100 people.

Through attending NIAS events and access to the Institutes archives and resources, each individual member will be able to keep up to date with our latest research and academic activities.

Also, if you are a member and you refer a friend, you will receive reduced rated on your own membership.

The membership includes:

  • Members Events
  • Members Newsletter
  • NIAS TV Channel podcast
  • Regular webinars with experts on major topics
  • NIAS reports, technical papers, expert comments, and news
  • NIAS Library and eLibrary
  • NIAS online archives, including The Saharan Journal
  • 30% discount on books and reports
  • Access to courses and online trainings
  • Invitation to workshops at various countries
  • Ask NIAS: submit your question on topics and themes you want more information about. Our team of researchers will conduct a study and write you a report.

How to apply

  • To become a member, all mandatory fields on the form must be completed, and you must pay the annual membership
  • You can pay annually or quarterly using a valid credit or debit card
  • During the application process, all members must complete a short personal statement of 150-250 words. The statement will be included into the application form.

To qualify for student concession, you must be a student and not in full-time employment. Alternatively, you must have graduated within the past three years.
